Learn How to Manage Across Cultures

Discover easy-to-use techniques for promoting mulit-culturalism in the organization, leveraging the global talent pool

£849.99 £149.99


Our culture defines many aspects of how we think, feel, and act. It can be challenging for managers to bridge cultural differences and bring employees together into a functioning team. This course will give supervisors and managers easy-to-use techniques for communicating across cultures, building teams, promoting multiculturalism in the organization, and leveraging the global talent pool. This will help you know how to:

  • Define what culture is and how it shapes the workplace
  • Identify how stereotypes shape our perception
  • Develop useful cross-cultural attitudes
  • Communicate effectively across cultures
  • Effectively manage employees from different cultures
  • Help teams overcome cross-cultural and virtual barriers
  • Promote acceptance and awareness in your organization to help create a multicultural environment
  • Leverage the global talent pool

Course Content


Session One: Course Overview


Session Two: What Is Culture?


Session Three: Communicating Effectively


Session Four: Team Building Across Cultures


Session Five: Managing Across Cultures


Session Six: Building a Multicultural Organization


Session Seven: Working with the Global Talent Pool

£849.99 £149.99

Course features:

7 Modules

Full Lifetime Access

Available on Web

Certificate of completion

15 Enrolled
